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    Editorial Awareness

Having steered the BBC through many major News events including 9/11, Princess Diana’s death, the death of the Queen Mother  and many other Breaking News stories I can help tailor specific editorial training for your staff and help you put tried and tested systems in place.

I am currently running editorial training for a major broadcaster covering public service and commercial channels.

    Presentation Skills

With many years BBC news reading and announcing experience, I can help develop your in-vision and out of vision presentation skills, adding authority, depth and fluency to your delivery.

Also having recruited BBC Announcers for many years and having trained and developed other Presentation staff, I can help bring gravitas, correct tone and maturity to your news reading and interviewing techniques, whilst helping you to become more accessible to your audience.

Does your business need to move forward? We all find change difficult...more

Wondering what to do next? I can help you make that next career step...more

Lets do coffee and other tips...more